Mastering Copper Coin Farming Guide in Myth of Empires

Welcome to the world of Myth of Empires, where survival and progression are paramount. In this vast open-world RPG, mastering the art of resource gathering and coin acquisition is essential for advancing your character’s skills and abilities. One such crucial resource is Myth of Empires copper coins, which play a significant role in leveling up your skills. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of copper coin farming, providing you with strategies and tips to maximize your earnings efficiently.

Understanding the Importance of Copper Coins:

In Myth of Empires, copper coins serve as the primary currency for various transactions, including skill upgrades, equipment purchases, and trading with NPCs. As your character progresses, the cost of leveling up skills increases significantly, making it imperative to accumulate a copious amount of copper coins to facilitate your advancement.

Choosing the Right Farming Location:

Selecting the right farming location is crucial for optimizing your copper coin earnings. One highly lucrative spot for copper coin farming is located southwest of the neutral camp, where the area is teeming with bandits ripe for the picking. This region offers an abundance of low-level enemies that can be dispatched swiftly, allowing for rapid accumulation of copper coins.

Efficient Farming Techniques:

To maximize your copper coin earnings, employing efficient farming techniques is essential. Whether you’re playing on a PvE or PvP server, the key lies in efficiently dispatching enemies while minimizing downtime. On a PvE server, each kill typically yields 75 copper coins, while PvP servers offer double the amount. By leveraging your character’s skills and equipment, you can streamline the farming process and amass a substantial fortune in a relatively short period.

Optimizing Combat Strategies:

In combat, utilizing effective strategies can significantly enhance your farming efficiency. Depending on your character build and preferred playstyle, you can choose from a variety of weapons and tactics to dispatch enemies swiftly. For instance, if you specialize in one-handed weapons, focusing on staggering opponents to disrupt their attacks can be highly effective. Similarly, mastering the use of pole arms or mounted combat can provide distinct advantages in different scenarios.

Maximizing Proficiency and Skill Levels:

As you continue to farm copper coins, you’ll gradually improve your character’s proficiency and skill levels, further enhancing your combat prowess. Investing in skill efficiency items and utilizing treasure maps obtained from enemy drops can expedite this process, allowing you to unlock higher-tier skills and abilities.

Mitigating Risks:

While copper coin farming can be highly lucrative, it’s essential to mitigate risks, particularly in PvP environments. Be mindful of other players who may attempt to disrupt your farming activities and be prepared to defend yourself if necessary. Additionally, consider equipping backup gear and establishing respawn points to minimize the impact of potential losses.

Expanding Your Farming Horizons:

As your character progresses and becomes more adept at combat, consider exploring other farming locations to diversify your income sources. High-level areas may offer greater challenges but also yield more lucrative rewards, allowing you to further accelerate your progression.


In the world of Myth of Empires, mastering copper coin farming is a fundamental aspect of character progression. By choosing the right farming locations, employing efficient techniques, and optimizing your combat strategies, you can amass a substantial fortune and propel your character to new heights of power and proficiency.

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The Secrets of Moas in Ravendawn Online Guide

Greetings, fellow gamers! Today, we delve into the exciting world of Ravendawn Online, focusing on one of the game’s most intriguing elements – Moas, the indispensable mounts that serve as your loyal companions and protectors during trade packing endeavors. Join me, Tores, as we unravel the mysteries surrounding these majestic creatures and explore the intricacies of their care and breeding.

Feeding Your Moa: The Essential Guide

One of the most frequently asked questions in Ravendawn Online revolves around the proper way to feed your Moa. To keep your mount in optimal condition, head over to the Moa Merchant, a charismatic NPC named JEA, located at the bottom right corner of Raven Crest. JEA offers Moa rations and Moa remedies, essential items for maintaining your Moa’s health.

To feed your Moa, purchase Moa rations from JEA and use them while mounted on your trusty companion. It’s a simple process that ensures your Moa stays fit and ready for any adventure. The article guide, unfortunately, lacks a demonstration due to Ravendawn Silver budget constraints, but fear not – we’ll explore more Moa-related aspects to make up for it.

Unlocking the Potential: Moa Bond Level and Simple Moa Treats

Now, let’s delve into the intriguing world of Moa bond levels and the coveted Simple Moa Treats. By pressing ‘Y’ and navigating to your Moa’s details, you’ll find the bond level, represented by an XP bar. This level offers various benefits, such as increased speed, strength, reduced cooldowns, and enhanced effectiveness of Moa rations.

To level up your Moa’s bond, you need Simple Moa Treats, which are obtained from opening Renon supplies. The bond level grind is a long-term process, requiring patience and dedication. Saving treats for higher-tier Moas might be a strategic move, considering bond levels reset when the Moa changes ownership.

Understanding Moa Stats: Speed, Strength, and More

Every Moa in Ravendawn Online possesses distinct stats, including speed, strength, height, weight, and breathing limit. Speed and strength play crucial roles in determining how effectively your Moa handles trade packs. A Moa with high strength mitigates speed reduction when pulling wagons, making it a valuable asset for traders.

Understanding these stats is vital for optimizing your Moa’s performance and tailoring its abilities to your specific gameplay style. The bond level, as mentioned earlier, contributes to enhancing these stats, creating a symbiotic relationship between Moa care and overall gameplay experience.

Breeding Moas: Unlocking the Next Generation

Breeding Moas introduces an exciting dimension to Ravendawn Online, allowing players to nurture the next generation of these fantastical creatures. In your virtual abode, you can initiate a 24-hour mating process, followed by a specific duration for hatching.

Different Moa tiers and abilities affect the breeding process, with higher-tier Moas presenting more challenging odds for successful mating. The breeding system introduces rarity levels, with colors ranging from common to ultra-rare and mythical. Breeding traits and abilities offer another layer of complexity, influencing the market value of newly hatched Moas.

Passive Skills: Enhancing Breeding Efficiency

The game introduces passive skills that can be applied to enhance your breeding efficiency. These skills, accessible through a skill tree, include increasing breeding experience gain, reducing hatching time, and boosting the chances of obtaining Moas with specific traits.

Investing in these skills not only streamlines the breeding process but also allows players to customize their Moas further. This adds a strategic element to the game, as players decide which skills to prioritize based on their goals and preferences.

Conclusion: Mastering the Art of Moa Care in Ravendawn Online

In conclusion, the world of Ravendawn Online unveils a rich tapestry of gameplay elements with Moas at its center. From feeding and bonding to breeding and passive skill investment, understanding these aspects enhances the overall gaming experience.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the world of Ravendawn Online, mastering the art of Moa care adds depth to your virtual adventures. So, saddle up, embark on this magical journey with your feathered companion, and may your Moa become a legendary force in the realm of Ravendawn Online!

Skull and Bones: A Beginner’s Guide to High Seas Adventure

If you’ve found yourself setting sail in the vast world of Skull and Bones for the first time or are still navigating your course through its treacherous waters, fear not! Atlantis is here to provide you with a beginner’s guide to help you find your bearings and set you on the right path to becoming a legendary pirate captain. So buckle up (or should I say, buckle your tricorn hats), as we embark on this thrilling adventure together.

Getting Started

Skull and Bones is a game brimming with excitement, offering a plethora of quests, contracts, investigations, and Skull and Bones silver bounties for you to explore. However, the abundance of options can feel overwhelming at first. Fear not, as the game provides handy tools to help you stay focused. Utilize the journal feature accessible through the map section to track specific quests or missions. This will display the corresponding icon on your navigation bar, keeping you on course as you sail the high seas.

Tracking Blueprints and Resources

One of the essential mechanics in Skull and Bones is tracking blueprints. These blueprints not only show you what materials you need but also where to find them. This feature takes the guesswork out of crafting, allowing you to efficiently gather resources and upgrade your arsenal as you progress through the game.

User Interface Settings

To enhance your gameplay experience, consider adjusting the user interface settings. Enabling the behavior icon alerts you when other boats engage with you, while status effect icons provide valuable information during combat encounters. These settings can be particularly beneficial in the endgame when synergize weapons and builds.

Navigational Strategies

Mastering navigation is key to success on the high seas. Keep a keen eye on the wind indicator, represented by a small triangle. Sailing with the wind at your back will maximize your speed while sailing against it will significantly slow you down. Learning to navigate efficiently, even in adverse conditions, can give you a significant advantage over your adversaries.

Naval Combat Tactics

Engaging in naval combat requires strategy and skill. Familiarize yourself with the weapons equipped on each side of your ship and use combat angles to fire different sets of weapons rapidly. Angling your boat effectively can increase your damage output, allowing you to dispatch enemy vessels with ease.

Embracing Exploration

Don’t hesitate to explore the vast expanse of the game world. Shipwrecks are ripe for plunder and provide valuable resources such as silver, repair kits, and salvage materials. Additionally, visiting outposts scattered throughout the islands allows you to gather resources, trade commodities, and replenish supplies.

Managing Your Ship and Cargo

As you progress through the game, you’ll have the opportunity to craft and upgrade ships, enhancing their cargo capacity, health, and damage output. Utilize the large warehouse space available to you to manage your ship’s cargo effectively. This allows you to loot more items while at sea and streamline your inventory management process.

Treasure Hunting and Fast Travel

Keep an eye out for treasure maps during your adventures. These maps offer clues to hidden treasures buried across the islands. Follow the clues and unearth buried riches to bolster your fortune and reputation as a legendary pirate captain. Additionally, take advantage of the fast travel system to quickly navigate between outposts and islands, streamlining your travel and logistics.


As we conclude this beginner’s guide to Skull and Bones, I hope you feel more prepared to embark on your epic journey across the high seas. Remember, mastering navigation, combat tactics, and resource management is key to becoming a formidable pirate captain. So hoist the Jolly Roger, unfurl your sails, and set a course for adventure in the world of Skull and Bones. Fair winds and following seas await you, matey!

Essential Tips for Maximizing Diablo 4 Season 3

Navigating the intricacies of Diablo 4 Season 3 can be a daunting task, but fear not, for here are some random pieces of advice that might have slipped through the cracks for some players. These tips are aimed at enhancing your gaming experience and ensuring a smoother journey through the season.

  1. Optimize Leveling with Sons of Malphas Events
    Make the most of your leveling journey by focusing on Sons of Malphas events. These events not only contribute to your seasonal leveling but also yield valuable resources such as stones, unique drops (including less obvious ones like Paingorgers, Rend Rings, and Banished Lord’s Talisman), and materials crucial for summoning in the end game. Keep an eye on World Tier 4 for these lucrative opportunities.
  2. Glyph Leveling Made Easy with Vaults
    Streamline the leveling of your glyphs by utilizing vaults. This season, you can essentially bypass normal Nightmare Dungeons (NMDs) and focus on vaults to accumulate pearls. After a patch, you’ll find yourself with an abundance of pearls, allowing you to progress your glyphs effortlessly.
  3. Strategic Use of Pearls for Uber Malphas
    When embarking on the challenging encounter with Uber Malphas, deploy your pearls wisely. It’s essential to activate the pearls before opening the door, as the shrine deactivates once the door is opened. Ensuring your buffs are active before facing Uber Malphas can significantly enhance your chances of success.
  4. Harness the Power of Leveled Pets
    Invest time and effort into leveling your pet, as it can become a formidable ally once fully developed. Referencing the first tip, Sons of Malphas events offer an excellent opportunity to level your pet efficiently. The benefits of a well-leveled pet can extend to various aspects of gameplay, providing valuable support and assistance.
  5. Embrace Grouping for Expedited Boss Farming
    This season is tailor-made for those who relish group play. If you enjoy teaming up with others, you’re in for a treat. Grouping significantly accelerates boss farming for Malphas, making the entire process up to four times faster. Embrace the cooperative aspect of the season to reap the rewards of efficient boss encounters.

In closing, these tips aim to shed light on aspects of Diablo 4 Season 3 that might enhance your gameplay and provide a more enjoyable experience. Whether you’re leveling, facing challenging encounters, or engaging in group activities, incorporating these strategies can contribute to a smoother and more rewarding journey through the season. Feel free to share your own insights and positive experiences to help fellow players on their adventure. May your Season 3 endeavors be filled with success and epic loot! And you can get/buy the best Diablo 4 items and gold in, make your loot come faster and easier.

Mastering Elden Ring: The Ghost Blade Build Guide

In the vast world of Elden Ring, players are constantly seeking new and powerful builds to enhance their gameplay experience. One such build gaining popularity is the Ghost Blade build, centered around the formidable Death’s Poker greatsword. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of the Ghost Blade build, exploring its weapon characteristics, optimal stats, armor choices, and strategic tips for maximum effectiveness.

The Death’s Poker Greatsword:

The Death’s Poker greatsword serves as the focal point of the Ghost Blade build. Despite its relatively lightweight for a greatsword (8.5), its native frostbite buildup and unique weapon skill, Ghost Flame Ignition, make it a formidable choice. Ghost Flame Ignition involves thrusting the poker forward, creating a ghost flame effect that deals magical damage repeatedly upon hitting the target. This skill sets a fire trail in front of you (R1) or unleashes a slamming explosion (R2) that inflicts magic damage and frostbite buildup.

Strategic Insights:

The Ghost Flame Ignition skill deals 100% magic damage, contrasting with the weapon’s mostly physical damage and poor magic scaling. To optimize this build, prioritize dexterity and strength over intelligence, as the latter enhances the skill but contributes minimally to regular melee attacks. The R1 attack proves more potent in many scenarios, allowing players to set up ground fire effects for bosses and difficult enemies, interrupting their actions and enabling follow-up attacks.

Armor and Talisman Choices:

The article suggests using the Malath set (chest, legs, and gloves) and the Sanguin Noble’s hood for a stylish black and gold aesthetic. While not perfectly optimized due to low poise, the fashion aspect is highlighted. For early-game alternatives, the Knight set provides adequate poise (51 by default). Talismans play a crucial role in this build, with recommendations like Warrior Jar Shard or Shard of Alexander for damage boosts, and the Magic Scorpion Charm for significant damage increases later in the game.

Off-Hand Staff and Spells:

A staff in the off-hand, such as the Staff of Loss, complements the Ghost Blade build. The Teram Magika spell, accessible early in the game, enhances magic damage by 35% within its area of effect. Combining this spell with Ghost Flame Ignition creates devastating damage outputs, particularly in boss fights.

Optimal Attributes:

At level 150, the recommended attribute distribution includes 50 Vigor, 31 Endurance, 35 Strength, 45 Dexterity, 20 Intelligence, 7 Faith, and 9 Arcane. The focus on dexterity and strength improves weapon damage, while intelligence meets the minimum requirement for Teram Magika.

Flask and Rune Choices:

The Flask of Wer’s Physique is customized with the Magic Shroud and Crackle for increased magic damage during battles. Stamina regeneration is also included for overall sustainability. Great Elden Ring runes like Godrick or Ron can be utilized, with Godrick being more accessible early in the game.

Final Tips:

The article concludes with practical tips for Ghost Blade gameplay, such as occasionally using the L2 attack without following up with R1 or R2 in emergencies. Maintaining a good amount of poise is emphasized, allowing players to complete the weapon skill animation even when taking hits from bosses. Additionally, playing the build with sorceries and focusing on intelligence is suggested for those who prefer a more spellcasting-oriented approach.


The Ghost Blade build, centered around the Death’s Poker greatsword, offers players a unique and devastating playstyle in Elden Ring. By understanding the intricacies of the weapon, optimizing stats, and making informed choices regarding armor, talismans, and spells, players can master this build and face the challenges of the Elden Ring with confidence. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, the Ghost Blade build provides an exciting and powerful way to experience the world of Elden Ring.