Skull and Bones: A Player’s Vision for Enhancements

Having been part of Skull and Bones since its beta phase, I’ve witnessed its potential and experienced its glitches firsthand. Here are some ideas I’ve been mulling over for enhancing the game:

1, Customizable Cannons and Mortars: It would add depth to gameplay if players could select cannons and mortars based on their size and ammunition type. Being able to switch between different shot types like grape shot, chain shot, and cannonballs would provide tactical advantages in combat scenarios.

2, Hireable Crew Members: Introducing the option to hire crew members with specialized roles such as gun captains, gun crew, sail masters, carpenters, and sharpshooters would enhance ship performance. Each crew member could contribute to improved accuracy, faster reloads, and overall efficiency during naval battles.

3, Ship Acquisition and Management: Allowing players to keep captured ships and either sell or retain them for personal use would add depth to the game. Players could promote crew members to captain and command AI-controlled ships in their fleet, undertaking missions, managing crew and weapons, and gaining experience through combat and sailing challenges.

4, Expanded PvP Zones: Enlarging the game map and designating specific areas as PvP zones, especially along trade routes, would create dynamic gameplay opportunities. These zones could include arenas for various PvP modes such as last man standing battles with buy-ins, ensuring that PvP activities remain separate from mission essential areas and ports.

5, Ship Interiors and Customization: Allowing players to explore and interact with their ships while in port or at anchor would provide immersive experiences. Simple interactions with the crew, customization of the captain’s quarters, and personalization of ship interiors would enhance player engagement and immersion.

6, Streamlined Helm Operations: Simplifying helm operations by automating certain tasks like supply management and Po8 collection would streamline gameplay and reduce unnecessary micromanagement, allowing players to focus more on strategic decisions and combat.

7, Role of Blacksmith and Ship Builder: Introducing specialized crew members like a blacksmith who can improve weapons and research new designs would add depth to the game’s crafting and customization aspects. Additionally, having a ship builder on shore for ship customization, repairs, and trade would enrich the player experience.

These are just a few ideas I’ve been pondering, and I believe they have the potential to elevate Skull and Bones to new heights. As a dedicated player invested in the game’s success, I hope to see some of these concepts realized in future updates. By the way, the cheapest Skull and Bones Items for sale in, Make an order you can get 5% off code!